Contact us

Fill in your details below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We aim to reply within 4 hours, but sometimes during busy periods, it can take longer.

We provide Free overnight parking which does not need to be booked, Unless your parking for a longer period !!

Holiday Parking is Gauranteed when you BOOK a room with us ! Parking Can ONLY be booked After you have Booked a Room ! Prices are £70 Per week, extra Days are charged at  £10,  Minimum  Charge £40

Don’t Forget No Room No Parking at the Hotel !

Rooms and parking can Only be Booked sererately Online ! Book the Room First Then Click the link on your comformation to book Parking!

Transfers are available (24hrs) At £6 per transfer per room and can ONLY be booked when Checking-in unless you are arriving by plane and have a room Booked Simply Let Us Know the arrival date & Time  by email Then Call when your through Customs ! if you prefer to walk this takes approximately 6 minutes on the lit pedestrian Pavement !


Our address

The Old Forge
Bridgwater Road
BS40 9UR