Book A Room 30 Days In Advance & Get A Weeks Parking For £50
We Will Confirm Your Vehicle Parking within 24hrs as this is done manualy!
Parking is Guarunteed with a room Booking !
If you have received this email your vehicle is booked in and you will receive a comformation within 24hrs
if you only want Parking you will need to book with
Forge Meet and Greet
Please remember: There is No Payment Due until you Arrive so you can cancel Parking any time before arrival as you may change your mind & use Public Transport
ATM are £6 Per Taransfer Per Room Per Transfer
Transfers do NOT need to be booked until You Check-in Unless arriving by Plane if so email us your arrival time and date then call us after you go therough Customs
IF you Do Not Have A Room Reservation This Booking Will Be Deleted !!
Thanks for your car park booking!
On any night you stay with us, your parking is included.
If you’re staying in the Hotel Monday and parking until Friday, you pay for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Which is four days parking at £40.
Parking is Only payable on arrival ! unless booked over the Phone